Friday, November 19, 2010

Why do we seek adventure through travel?

                                Bus stop in small town, up on the mountain near Koln Rh, Germany 08, 2010


                         American-Indian cultural show outside of the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.

From my personal experience and individual character I can say that I love adventure. From a list of different outdoor activities and sightseeing, whether it’s man made or natural or just by visiting a town or country I have never been before. All this involve a small or a big trip depending on the location of my destination. There are different types of motivations and reasons why people seek adventure through travel. I traveled for many different reasons; for example family reunion, high school reunion, best friend reunion, romantic getaway (trips) and educational or sightseeing are some of them.

Through travel I find an adventure of learning new languages, meeting new people, and becoming familiar with different types of cultures and way of living. Most people travel from place to place because of work, family or recreation and fun. Vacation time is very exciting and important factor to consider for our spirit and well being. I always imagine traveling far places where I have never been before. South America or the Islands, scenes I have only seen in movies make me curious to travel. Traveling is educational experience, a chance to meet new people and cultures as well. These travel adventurers; I hear from many people who have been out and about or have some experience, are usually open-minded and knowledgeable.
My topic reflects on why many people seek adventure through travel. Some of the reasons, types and kinds of travel vary depending on the motivation and characteristics of the person planning the adventurous trips. For example, here are some lists to consider:

• taking a vacation or holiday, City break or weekend getaway
• invitations to friends and family wedding, funeral, baby shower or newborn
• Family reunion, high school reunion, college reunion
• Outdoor adventure (hiking, biking, camping, water activity)
• Amusement parks for a family or group of friends
• Sightseeing, museums and historical landmarks

Image. (n.d.). National Retrieved November 3, 2010, from:

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