Sunday, January 23, 2011

What is an American?

An American can not be defined by wealth or skin color, culture and language.  An American doesn’t have one skin color, it can be of many colors and sizes and shapes.  Regardless of someone’s appearance or looks, culture, money and fortune anyone can be an American. 
An American is anyone who comes from different parts of the world or speaks many other languages.   America is a “melting pot” of all different kinds of people, tradition, culture, race and religion.  America opens the door for those who knock for opportunity and for all to work hard and achieve “The American dream”.  An American does not settle for less but works hard to improve and wants more than average wealth than started with.  An American is hard worker and believes to have a better future and accomplish the American dream, big house, cars, and family.   
There is opportunity for everyone, it does not matter whether you are rich or poor there is a chance to make a successful career and life.  The advantage of scholarship and financial aid and loans will help to get an education even if someone could not afford to pay for college.  So these different programs benefit and assist someone through life.  There are many chances and choices for education through different institutions that are offered by public, private and government.  Anyone who wants an educational goal and dream to become someone can achieve it by working at it and trying hard.  It is possible that everyone has a chance to make something of them in America.
An American is, generous, honest and kind who like to help any individual, neighbors, community and even another country in need.  Being an American is to have freedom of speech, whether it is in the form of public media or for any individuals who like to express their opinions about the country, government, politics, the economy or news.  
 An American can be a person whose religion is Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, and Jewish.   Is free to practice any religion, also has a right not to follow or practice any religion at all.   There is acceptance of gender and sex preference to whom a person whishes to love or be with.  Open mind to all different homosexual and gay individuals to have a right like heterosexuals.   Gay couples can adopt children and in some states they can get married.
  An American culture is all about entertainment from movies, music of different kinds, electronic gadgets like cell phones and computers, fashion trends, sports, games and amusement parks.   A lot of choices and supplies for anything one wants and needs to buy in stores from materials and tools to basic household items 
The food in America is easy, low price and convenient to buy if you work too much and do not have time to cook.  There is always fast food and snacks of course lots carbonated drinks.  Someone from a different culture without their knowledge could get used to or addicted to these processed foods.  It is not healthy to eat fast food on a daily basis and better to eat a healthier choice whether at home or in restaurants.  This is very important here in America because of the increasing number of obesity rates.
In America, there are wider roads, highways, huge bridges and great transportation systems.  A lot of industries, factories, Hospitals and shopping malls/centers and grocery stores in every county in one state this creates jobs also help the community and country.   
There are a lot of crime and drug use that happens in America, it might be more or less in some states and cities.  On the news there has never been a time where they did not report any kind of crime.  Everybody has to be careful and watch out from becoming a crime victim, sometimes no one knows where and when a bad thing is going to happen.  Just like all the nice things someone hears and sees about America this is the bad and the risk someone have to take.   America is the best country in the world and I am proud to be an American.


  1. Woubet-

    I liked your essay, and when you mentioned fast foods chains as part of our society. I never thought about that when I was writing my essay, but its very true. I thought you had a unique perspective and had good insight into describing who we are as Americans.

  2. Woubet-

    I really enjoyed your essay, it brought a lot of issues up that I wished I had mentioned in my essay. Like the drugs and the "melting pot" concept. I also enjoyed that you mentioned the differences we have here it is a very large part of who we are as Americans to come from so many different backgrounds.
