Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week Seven- Learning Reflection

a. At what moment did you feel most engaged with what you were learning?  

I felt most engaged over the past two weeks while reading Harriet Jacobs “Incidents in the life of a slave girl” Also writing solutions to social problems essay. 

b. At what moment did you feel most distant from what the class was doing and what you were learning?

I felt most distant when I was trying to catch up with the reading.

c. What action did the professor or another student take that you found most helpful or affirming?

d. What action did anyone take that you found most puzzling or confusing?

Some of the blogs I read for social problem and solution.  It is amazing how every ones opinion and thoughts are different and sometimes similar.

e. What about the reading and discussion has surprised you the most?  (This could be about your own reactions to the course/reading, something that someone did, or anything else which has occurred.
I chose a topic of illegal immigration and when I read some classmates blogs I found two blogs of similar topic.  Two of them including mine seems a positive way to solve the problem and the other is not.  I see that everyone have a different point of view but it is better to be respectful and humane no matter how big the problem is.    

f. Review the learning outcomes for the course and list the four learning outcomes you can best say you have learned.  List the work you’ve done which you could use to demonstrate your learning of these outcomes.

I cannot specifically say what the learning outcomes were because I haven’t read all the readings yet for this week.  In general though from previous readings and how I have become better at reading and comprehending the assignment by writing similar situation or problem that exists currently.  The art and literature of romanticism helped fight slavery and how slaves themselves fought against slavery by uprising for freedom.

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