Monday, March 21, 2011

Portfolio Cover Letter Essay (Final)

I have come a long way since I first attend this class.  My thoughts about taking American lit class have changed now than when I registered for the class.   I did not think reading the material or getting the context and style of early American Literature would be easy to comprehend.   I also thought writing about what I read would be difficult to do since I have to read it repeatedly and sometimes I still don’t get it.  (Discussion Forum: Time Travel and Defining Literature.)
Dr. Brandon made it easier, interesting and fun to learn.  I have options to the assigned reading sometimes to have a voice recorded narration and I follow by reading the text.  It makes it fun, easy and faster than I would read.  I also like to do research online to get a better understanding of the different topics we are reading about and the Author. 
I get motivated to read when Dr. Brandon reads to us in Class with the interpretations of some words and sentences. After class I sometimes reread it again so I get the point or ideals.  It feels like watching a movie preview and then watching the whole movie.  The reading in the class gives me an idea or a sneak peek of what the reading is about.  Then when I reread it again to grasp the point and think critically about the subject and even write about it on discussion forum or blog post.
My performance at the beginning of the course was good in following up the assignments and completed on time.  My reading, writing and thinking critically has improved over the second half of the course.  I understand and I learned that by missing one week’s assignment I was left behind and was working hard to get caught up.   I want to improve on completing my weekly assignments on time to make progress and manage stress for the second half of the semester.  I have to schedule a time for doing my assignments to balance my work and personal life without procrastination.  It is challenging but I am performing better than I thought in this class. 
I really like the creativity of writing about my own life on my blog post.   As well as the discussion forum is a great way to learn by expressing my opinions and experiences.  I attend class all the time I think it is very important to understand what I am supposed to read and learn.  Even though recently I may not have posted an assignment on the due date I always make the effort to never miss an assignment.  Here is the work I have done with the back up evidence link for my blog posts, discussion forum and some of the readings.
 In order to feel the natural surrounding and self realization of the present moment I went for a walk in the wilderness (park) to experience nature. On the discussion forum I wrote how my experience was and felt the connection after reading Henry David Thoreau’s essay “Walking”.  I also believe it is true and I agree with Thoreau’s chapter on “Where I lived and what I lived for” and maybe not like him but some sort of similar ideals.  Reminds me of how I was brought up to learn to live with what I have and focus mainly on the needs in life but not mainly the wants or materials.  (Discussion Forum: Walking, Nature and the Romantic Sublime.)
I was truly confused on where and what to start writing about “what is an American” essay to a possible immigrant.  There are so many things to write about but I had to generalize and add some details to get to the point.  I know I would have appreciated it if someone could have written a letter to me before I came to America.  It gave me some understanding of the great and the bad things most immigrants don’t know until they experience it themselves just as De Crevecoeur’s tells us on his letter to an American Farmer.  It is great to know and learn what everyone’s opinion’s are about what it meant to be an American.  After reading (Maryland committee’s essay “what is an American?” and wrote my comments I was surprised to read all different thoughts but similar points as well.    It is great to know and learn what everyone’s opinion’s are about what it meant to be an American.
 I had to read some of Edgar Allen Poe's work and biography to be familiar with the Author and write on the discussion forum.  The reading as always cannot understand because of the style of writing but Poe's way of writing is a little better than Thoreau’s but I try anyways.   I also liked writing comments about Poe’s work on the discussion forum, genre of ghost thrill stories.  (Discussion Forum: Discuss the Genres of the Ghost Story, Horror and Thrillers.)
I felt most engaged while reading "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" by Harriet Jacob, also replying my comments and opinions on the discussion forum about slavery.  This is the moment I felt most engaged when reading my classmates comments, personal opinions about slavery and Dr. Brandon's response to explain or comment on my reply.   I gained some insight to how slavery was really like and most importantly I learned by reading and participating in the discussion forum.  I was touched and was emotional by the true story of a slave writer by Harriet Jacobs, “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”  (Discussion Forum: Questions and Answers about Slavery and the Reading.)
Current social practices in the U.S., I chose to write on my blog post about Illegal immigration.  The issue on illegal immigration divided all Americans to what is the right thing to do to lower it, stop it and find a solution. There are some pros and cons of this issue but it is time if the government makes a solid decision to resolve it.   
In general though from previous readings and how I have become better at reading critically and comprehending the assignment by writing similar situation or problem that exists currently.  The art and literature of Romanticism helped fight slavery and how slaves themselves fought against slavery by uprising for freedom and justice.  I think time is a solution for everything but many did not sit back and wait they fought in the Civil War to abolish slavery.

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