Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Final Portfolio

“Eng. 241 Reflective Cover Essay”
By- Woubet Gebreab

In my performance review, I have come a long way since I first attended this class.  My thoughts about taking American literature class have changed now than when I registered for the class.   I assumed reading the material or getting the context and style of Early American Literature would not be easy to comprehend.   I thought writing about what I read would be difficult to do since I have to read it slowly and repeatedly even if I don't know what it means.   http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html  (Discussion Forum: Time Travel and Defining Literature.)
Dr. Brandon made it easier, interesting and fun to learn.  The option to listen to the reading assignment sometimes help with a voice recorded narration.  I follow by reading the text and this makes it fun, easy and faster than I when I read on my own.  I also like to do research online to get a better understanding of the different topics we are reading about and the Author. 
I get motivated to read when Dr. Brandon reads to us in Class with the interpretations of some words and sentences. After class I sometimes reread it again so I get the point or ideals.  It feels like watching a movie preview and then watching the whole movie.  The reading in the class gives me an idea or a sneak peek of what the reading is about.  Then when I reread it again to grasp the point and think critically about the subject and even write about it on discussion forum or blog post.
My performance at the beginning of the course was good in following up the assignments and completed on time.  My reading, writing and thinking critically has improved over the second half of the course.  I understand and I learned that by missing one week’s assignment I was left behind and was working hard to get caught up.   I want to improve on completing my weekly assignments on time to make progress and manage stress for the second half of the semester.  I have to schedule a time for doing my assignments to balance my work and personal life without procrastination.  It is challenging but I am performing better than I thought in this class. 
I really like the creativity of writing about my own life experience on my blog post.   As well as the discussion forum is a great way to learn by expressing my opinions and experiences.  I attend class all the time I think it is very important to understand what I am supposed to read and learn.  Even though recently I may not have posted an assignment on the due date I always make the effort to never miss an assignment.  Here is the work I have done with the back up evidence link for my blog posts, discussion forum and some of the readings.
 In order to feel the natural surrounding and self realization of the present moment I went for a walk in the wilderness (park) to experience nature. On the discussion forum I wrote how my experience was and felt the connection after reading Henry David Thoreau’s essay “Walking”.  I also believe it is true and I agree with Thoreau’s chapter on “Where I lived and what I lived for” and maybe not like him but some sort of similar ideals.  Reminds me of how I was brought up to learn to live with what I have and focus mainly on the needs in life but not the wants.  http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/02/living-full-life.html
http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html  (Discussion Forum: Walking, Nature and the Romantic Sublime.)
I was truly confused on where to begin writing about “what is an American” essay to a possible immigrant.  There are so many things to write about but I had to generalize and add some details to get to the point.  I know I would have appreciated it if someone could have written a letter to me before I came to America.  It gave me some understanding of the great and the bad things most immigrants don’t know until they experience it themselves, just as De Crevecoeur’s tells us on his letter to an American Farmer. Here are some comments from Maryland Committee peers:
Woubet- I really enjoyed your essay, it brought a lot of issues up that I wished I had mentioned in my essay. Like the drugs and the "melting pot" concept. I also enjoyed that you mentioned the differences we have here it is a very large part of who we are as Americans to come from so many different backgrounds.
Woubet- I liked your essay, and when you mentioned fast foods chains as part of our society. I never thought about that when I was writing my essay, but it’s very true. I thought you had a unique perspective and had good insight into describing who we are as Americans.
By Millsy on What is an American?  On 1/31/11
 It is great to know and learn what everyone’s opinion’s are about what it meant to be an American.  After reading (Maryland committee’s essay “what is an American?” and wrote my comments I was surprised to read all different thoughts but similar points as well.    It is great to know and learn what everyone’s opinion’s are about what it meant to be an American.  http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/01/maryland-committee-comments-what-is.html     http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/01/what-is-american.html
 I had to read some of Edgar Poe’s work and biography to be familiar with the Author and write on the discussion forum.  The reading as I have mentioned it above I had difficulty to understand because of the style of writing.  Poe’s style of writing is better than Thoreau’s but I try to reread it anyway.   I also liked writing comments about Poe’s work on the discussion forum, genre of ghost thrill stories.  http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html  (Discussion Forum: Discuss the Genres of the Ghost Story, Horror and Thrillers.)
I felt most engaged while reading "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" by Harriet Jacob, also replying my comments and opinions on the discussion forum about slavery.  This is the moment I felt most engaged when reading my classmates comments, personal opinions about slavery and Dr. Brandon's response to explain or comment on my reply.   I gained some insight to how slavery was really like and most importantly I learned by reading and participating in the discussion forum.  I was touched and was emotional by the true story (narrative) of a slave writer by Harriet Jacobs, “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”
 http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html  (Discussion Forum: Questions and Answers about Slavery and the Reading.)
Current social practices in the U.S., I chose to write on my blog post about Illegal immigration.  The issue on illegal immigration divided all Americans to what is the right thing to do to lower it, stop it and find a solution. There are some pros and cons of this issue but it is time if the government makes a solid decision to resolve it.   
In general, from the previous reading assignments I read, I became better at thinking critically and comprehending the text material.  It helped me to complete the assignment by writing similar situation or problem that exists currently.  The art and literature of Romanticism helped fight slavery and how slaves themselves fought against slavery by uprising for freedom and justice.  I think time is a solution for everything but many did not sit back and wait they rebelled and fought in the Civil War to abolish slavery.

My performance in this class throughout the second half of the semester has improved.   Overall the reading assignments, online discussion forum and the blog posts are all linked-in to one another and beneficial to learn by doing all assignments.   
I participate in an online Discussion forum and completed most of the reading assignments.  In order to complete the written assignments, most of the time I read and reread it.   If it is difficult to grasp the ideals, then I do some research.   This way it helps me understand what points I need to comprehend.   I sometimes spend a lot of time on one assignment because it takes time to read, understand what I need to write about and then write about it on blog post or Discussion Forum. 
Even though I have improved on my writing through this class, I still have difficulty to express my thoughts in writing.  I spend more time thinking about it then, once I start writing I don’t stop.  I do some of my work on the weekend with my other class assignments.  I procrastinate when I have too much to do and postponed the assignments but then I play the catch-up game.  This delays my work from posting on time a couple of times.  Which, I don’t really like because it stresses me out trying to finish two weeks of work in one day.  I need to Improve on procrastination and add it on my list of virtues.   
“Balance might be the one I need to work at to improve my personal life, (relationship, health and exercise) time with friends and family (fun), school and work. I want to work on completing my weekly assignments on time to make progress and manage stress.  I have work, family and friends to spend some time when I am free in addition to taking three classes.   I have to schedule a time for doing my homework balances my life without procrastination.” (Virtue-weekly update) http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/03/list-of-my-personal-virtues.html

In week ten and eleven, the Age of the Enlightenment, thought me how to reason, democratic debates and self improvement through lists of personal virtues.   Working on my virtue assignment and the weekly updates are very helpful for self improvement.    Working on my virtue, I never thought about getting rid of a bad habit or improve to be a better person in life.  I learned about the Enlightenment how they made their lives better, improved and change through reason, debate and discussions.  The self improvement ideas and virtues are timeless and will work for generations to come.  Personally it helps me to recognize what I need to change and work on self improvement.  

In comparison of my blog to some of my peers blogs gave me an outlook for some improvement.  This is what I decided to do for my blog template and posts after I reviewed three students blogs that I really enjoyed.  What I liked and learned from the three peers so I could improve my blog posts.
Through-out the second half of the semester I want to improve my blog posts to flow in order and post on time.  I want to upgrade my blog template and add some design.  I used from last semester for travel and adventure blog posts.  Overall I want to edit and revise my older posts if time permits.”  (Comparison to peer blogs) http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/04/compare-blog-post.html

In week twelve I read the Federalist paper in different volumes and the focus was on #10 by Madison and here is a part of my response.  I was surprised when I first read Madison’s Federalist #10 about “Factions” I didn’t know how I could interpret and grasp his points.  After reading it twice and read others blog posts it helped to know their point of view.

“I agree with Madison’s debate on how politicians could get elected and how voters make decision based on the public good and not self interest.  There is a conflict of faction and people are emotional and vote according to their self interest and beliefs.  I believe Madison was focusing strongly on liberty and individual rights to vote and express opinions whether a person is rich and owned a property or poor and didn’t own a property.”  (Madison’s Federalist #10 “Factions”) http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/04/federalist-10-interpretation.html

Online Discussion Forum is a great way to learn and participate on discussion. No matter how diverse we are, the views and opinions are sometimes similar but at times could vary depending on personal experience.  We discussed about different subject matter and we share the same common interest that is learning from one another.
Today’s democratic discourse is consistent with what Jefferson had vision but overtime society has been facing away from religious issues, debates and arguments.  People do respect their own religion and beliefs.  If certain groups of people want their religion to be respected and known then they in turn have to respect and acknowledge the different religions that exist in America today.”  I liked this quote by Jefferson,

“Go on doing with your pen what in
other times was done with the sword.”
- Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Thomas Paine (1796)

Jefferson believed in educating the common people about religion, state and government in order to express their opinions and debate for what they stand. (Online Discussion Forum)

Democratic Discourse and my favorite Thomas Jefferson’s quote was easy to work on but the difficult one was what to change on the second constitution.  I learned the process of how the constitution was created, why and how the second constitution (Bill of Rights) was created.  I had to read the second amendment” The right to bear arms” for online discussion.  I have learned that democratic debates and literary discussions led to where we are today and didn’t start until 1750’s.  Rational debates gives an individual’s right for free speech and his/her own opinion.  As I understood women were not allowed to participate in most debates and no voting rights but changed afterward.  
 ‘’I felt most engaged this week while writing about Democratic Discourse in Discussion Forum. I view and interpret the right to bear arms in a negative way rather than a positive one because of the high crime rate in America.  One main reason why people purchase fire arms is to protect their homes, businesses and for hunting.  I see that is necessary but it has to be limited to one per household and with proper registration and license and to use”     http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html
Public profession of Belief essay is my last blog post as well as the Personal spiritual profession of religious belief; I participated on the online discussion starter A.  I didn’t participate on discussion starter B, because I didn’t read the different religion doctrines.
“I agree with Jenica and most of you who believed in a higher Spirit and being that created humans and the universe.  I believe in one God and I think there is only one God for all humans, no matter how divided by religion, country and race.”               http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html
 After I read them and have knowledge I will compare my religion and discuss about it.  I have actually read some of the discussion posted by some peers and Dr. Brandon’s comments.  I got some insight from reading the discussion posts too.  Public profession of Belief essay post is the last blog post assignment I have completed.
“I believe in a higher Spirit and being that created humans and the universe.  I trust in one God and I think there is only one God for all humans, no matter how divided by religion, country and race.   I learned a lot from my science classes about evolution and how the “Earth was made” and plants, animals and humans evolved.   As much as the science facts seem believable, I still believe in God and a higher being.” http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/04/mamamia.html

In short, how has Early American literature helped to answer the question, "What is an American?"  I replied on online discussion forum how the role of Early American literature helped current American society.
“The role played by Early American history in forming American society is the freedom of speech, freedom to practice any religion, own a house or business, having the opportunity for education and become successful in life.”  http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html

I have done most of the writing assignments given although I have skipped a couple.  The federalist #10 peer response comments I did not write and post even though I have read most peers response.  This is due to falling behind on my own essay for Federalist # 10 interpretation but finally I did it.  It wasn’t easy to write about I had to read and research so I understand what I am writing about.  I read my peers interpretation of it and got some ideas and learned from their comments and opinions, but did not put it in writing to response to them on my blog post.
 The other post I am missing is the Polemic argument essay. (Similar as Thomas Paine’s essay “The American Crisis”)  Again for this assignment I didn’t know what my topic was going to be and did a research and found many topics.  I couldn’t decide which topic to choose and finally settled with “Higher Education and Economy” I did not finish in order to post on my blog.  I didn’t ignore the ones I am missing I just didn’t have enough time juggling all at the same time as I have tried to reread, research and write.  However, I learned to think critically about the subject matter, improved my style of writing and creative ways to demonstrate the given assignments.  I have completed most assignments, and did a lot more than I thought I could due to lack of time.  These are my work presentations, and I attended class regularly to deserve an A for Eng. 241 class.
Overall, as far as the knowledge perspective what I learned from this class will be a stepping stone for my everyday life.  From this class I have learned Early American History, Religion and Politics by covering different topics.  Incorporating some issues from the past society to current problems and issues in America, really helped made it interesting to learn.  I am going to read old literature books from most of the authors we read from for this class.  It will also help me for my next literature class I have to take.  I will continue the journey I have started on Early American literature for my required literature class and it will be American lit. Eng. 242.  I will have a background knowledge and idea on what to expect for the next class. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Final Portfolio Cover Eassy - Draft

In my performance review, i  have come a long way since I first attended this class.  My thoughts about taking American lit class have changed now than when I registered for the class.   I did not think reading the material or getting the context and style of early American Literature would be easy to comprehend.   I also thought writing about what I read would be difficult to do since I have to read it repeatedly and sometimes I still don’t get it.   http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html  (Discussion Forum: Time Travel and Defining Literature.)
Dr. Brandon made it easier, interesting and fun to learn.  I have options to the assigned reading sometimes to have a voice recorded narration and I follow by reading the text.  It makes it fun, easy and faster than I would read.  I also like to do research online to get a better understanding of the different topics we are reading about and the Author. 
I get motivated to read when Dr. Brandon reads to us in Class with the interpretations of some words and sentences. After class I sometimes reread it again so I get the point or ideals.  It feels like watching a movie preview and then watching the whole movie.  The reading in the class gives me an idea or a sneak peek of what the reading is about.  Then when I reread it again to grasp the point and think critically about the subject and even write about it on discussion forum or blog post.
My performance at the beginning of the course was good in following up the assignments and completed on time.  My reading, writing and thinking critically has improved over the second half of the course.  I understand and I learned that by missing one week’s assignment I was left behind and was working hard to get caught up.   I want to improve on completing my weekly assignments on time to make progress and manage stress for the second half of the semester.  I have to schedule a time for doing my assignments to balance my work and personal life without procrastination.  It is challenging but I am performing better than I thought in this class. 
I really like the creativity of writing about my own life on my blog post.   As well as the discussion forum is a great way to learn by expressing my opinions and experiences.  I attend class all the time I think it is very important to understand what I am supposed to read and learn.  Even though recently I may not have posted an assignment on the due date I always make the effort to never miss an assignment.  Here is the work I have done with the back up evidence link for my blog posts, discussion forum and some of the readings.
 In order to feel the natural surrounding and self realization of the present moment I went for a walk in the wilderness (park) to experience nature. On the discussion forum I wrote how my experience was and felt the connection after reading Henry David Thoreau’s essay “Walking”.  I also believe it is true and I agree with Thoreau’s chapter on “Where I lived and what I lived for” and maybe not like him but some sort of similar ideals.  Reminds me of how I was brought up to learn to live with what I have and focus mainly on the needs in life but not mainly the wants or materials.   http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/02/living-full-life.html http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html  (Discussion Forum: Walking, Nature and the Romantic Sublime.)
I was truly confused on where and what to start writing about “what is an American” essay to a possible immigrant.  There are so many things to write about but I had to generalize and add some details to get to the point.  I know I would have appreciated it if someone could have written a letter to me before I came to America.  It gave me some understanding of the great and the bad things most immigrants don’t know until they experience it themselves just as De Crevecoeur’s tells us on his letter to an American Farmer.  It is great to know and learn what everyone’s opinion’s are about what it meant to be an American.  After reading (Maryland committee’s essay “what is an American?” and wrote my comments I was surprised to read all different thoughts but similar points as well.    It is great to know and learn what everyone’s opinion’s are about what it meant to be an American.  http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/01/maryland-committee-comments-what-is.html     http://seekadventureandtravel.blogspot.com/2011/01/what-is-american.html
 I had to read some of Poe’s work and biography to be familiar with the Author and write on the discussion forum.  The reading as always cannot understand because of the style of writing but Poe’s way of writing is a little better than Thoreau’s but I try anyways.   I also liked writing comments about Poe’s work on the discussion forum, genre of ghost thrill stories.   http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html  (Discussion Forum: Discuss the Genres of the Ghost Story, Horror and Thrillers.)
I felt most engaged while reading "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" by Harriet Jacob, also replying my comments and opinions on the discussion forum about slavery.  This is the moment I felt most engaged when reading my classmates comments, personal opinions about slavery and Dr. Brandon's response to explain or comment on my reply.   I gained some insight to how slavery was really like and most importantly I learned by reading and participating in the discussion forum.  I was touched and was emotional by the true story of a slave writer by Harriet Jacobs, “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”
 http://eng241.weebly.com/general-assembly-s11.html  (Discussion Forum: Questions and Answers about Slavery and the Reading.)
Current social practices in the U.S., I chose to write on my blog post about Illegal immigration.  The issue on illegal immigration divided all Americans to what is the right thing to do to lower it, stop it and find a solution. There are some pros and cons of this issue but it is time if the government makes a solid decision to resolve it.   
In general though from previous readings and how I have become better at reading critically and comprehending the assignment by writing similar situation or problem that exists currently.  The art and literature of Romanticism helped fight slavery and how slaves themselves fought against slavery by uprising for freedom and justice.  I think time is a solution for everything but many did not sit back and wait they fought in the Civil War to abolish slavery.

My performance in this class throughout the second half of the semester has improved overall.  The reading assignments, online discussion forum and the blog posts are all linked-in to one another and beneficial to learn by doing all assignments.   
I participate in an online Discussion forum and completed most of the reading assignments.  In order to complete the written assignments, on some occasion I reread it if it is difficult to grasp or do some research.   This way it helps me understand what points I need to comprehend.   I sometimes spend a lot of time on one assignment because it takes time to read, understand what I need to write about and then write about it on blog post or Discussion Forum. 
Even though I have improved on my writing through this class, I still have difficulty to express my thoughts in writing.  I spend more time thinking about it then, once I start writing I don’t stop.  I do some of my work on the weekend with my other class assignments.  I procrastinate when I have too much to do and postponed the assignments but then I play the catch-up game.  This delays my work from posting on time a couple of times.  Which, I don’t really like because it stresses me out trying to finish two weeks of work in one day.  I need to Improve on procrastination and add it on my list of virtues.   
“Balance might be the one I need to work at to improve my personal life, (relationship, health and exercise) time with friends and family (fun), school and work. I want to work on completing my weekly assignments on time to make progress and manage stress.  I have work, family and friends to spend some time when I am free in addition to taking three classes.   I have to schedule a time for doing my homework balances my life without procrastination.” (Virtue-weekly update)
In week ten and eleven, the Age of the Enlightenment, thought me how to reason, democratic debates and self improvement through lists of personal virtues.   Working on my virtue assignment and the weekly updates are very helpful for self improvement.    Working on my virtue, I never thought about getting rid of a bad habit or improve to be a better person in my life.  I learned about the Enlightenment how they made their lives better, improved and change through reason, debate and discussions.  The self improvement ideas and virtues is I think timeless and will work for generations to come.  Personally it helps me to recognize what I need to change and work on self improvement. 
This is what I decided to do for my blog template and posts after I reviewed three students blogs that I really enjoyed.
“Through-out the second half of the semester I want to improve my blog posts to flow in order and post on time.  I want to upgrade my blog template and add some design.  I used from last semester for travel and adventure blog posts.  Overall I want to edit and revise my older posts if time permits.”  (Comparison to peer blogs)

In week twelve I read the Federalist paper in different volumes and the focus was on #10 by Madison and here is a part of my response.

“I agree with Madison’s debate on how politicians could get elected and how voters make decision based on the public good and not self interest.  There is a conflict of faction and people are emotional and vote according to their self interest and beliefs.  I believe Madison was focusing strongly on liberty and individual rights to vote and express opinions whether a person is rich and owned a property or poor and didn’t own a property.”  (Madison’s Federalist #10 “Factions”)
I was surprised when I first read Madison’s Federalist #10 about “Factions” I didn’t know how I could interpret and grasp his points.  After reading it twice and read others blog post it helped. 
Online Discussion Forum is a great way to learn and participate on discussion. No matter how diverse we are, the views and opinions are sometimes similar but at times could vary depending on personal experience.  We discussed about different subject matter and we share the same common interest that is learning from one another.
Today’s democratic discourse is consistent with what Jefferson had vision but overtime society has been facing away from religious issues, debates and arguments.  People do respect their own religion and beliefs.  If certain groups of people want their religion to be respected and known then they in turn have to respect and acknowledge the different religions that exist today in America.  This does not always happen in this world and as humans most people stereotype certain religions’ and we all make the wrong assumptions sometimes.”(Online Discussion Forum)
I liked this quote by Jefferson,
“Go on doing with your pen what in
other times was done with the sword.”
- Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Thomas Paine (1796)
Jefferson believed in educating the common people about religion, state and government in order to express their opinions and debate for what they stand. (Online Discussion Forum)
Democratic Discourse and my favorite Thomas Jefferson’s quote were easy to work on but the difficult one was what to change on the second constitution I am still thinking about that but at the moment there isn’t any.  I will post soon when I come up with the decision for that. 
‘’I felt most engaged this week while writing about Democratic Discourse in D.F.  As well as how to improve the second Constitution, this was difficult to answer and I said I wouldn’t change anything.  Also the Obama administration is working on very important reform which is Higher Education and to make it affordable to all Americans. ’’
I have learned that democratic debates and literary discussions led to where we are today and didn’t start until 1750’s.  Rational debates gives an individual’s right for free speech and his/her own opinion.  As I understood women were not allowed to participate in most debates and no voting rights but changed afterward.   
To be continued…..

Public Profession of Belief

I believe in a higher Spirit and being that created humans and the universe.  I believe in one God and I think there is only one God for all humans, no matter how divided by religion, country and race.   I learned a lot from my science classes about evolution and how the “Earth was made” and plants, animals and humans evolved. 
 As much as the science facts seem believable, I still believe in God and a higher being.  Some science facts and books change from time to time but God’s words and the Holy Bible does not change.   Even if we belief in different religions and doctrines, I believe all of them teach positive ideals and morals.  I came to a point where I don’t need to be in church to pray or read the bible. 
My religion is Orthodox Christian by birth.   I don’t go to church as much as I used to however, I want to improve on my religious beliefs and practice.  

Learning Reflection

Week Fifteen

Higher Education and Economy

Federalist #10 Peer resonse /comments

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Virtues Status Update

Week Thirteen
This virtue is very important to me to work on even though i am a very patient person there are times when i am not.   When i know i am going somewhere or getting or expecting something i am very anxious and don't like the waiting period.  I have to work and improve this by keeping myself busy and relaxing sometimes.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Learning Reflection

Week Twelve

a.  At what moment did you feel most engaged with your learning for the week?  Be specific.  Was it while reading, writing for the online discussion forum, while thinking about the class, or while talking to others about it?   Why was this the moment when you felt most engaged?

I felt most engaged this week while writing about Democratic Discourse in D.F.  As well as how to improve the second Constitution, this was difficult to answer and I said I wouldn’t change anything .  Also the Obama administration is working on very important reform which is Higher Education and to make it affordable to all Americans. 

b.  The Enlightenment helped introduce the “how-to genre” and the idea that individuals can make their own lives better through reason, rational discussion, and virtue. What are you learning about the Enlightenment, ideas of self-improvement, and yourself as you work on your virtues.   

I learned about the Enlightenment how they made their lives better, improved and change through reason, debate and discussions.  The self improvement ideas and virtues is I think timeless and will work for generations to come.  Personally it helps me to recognize what I need to change and work on self improvement.

c.  As you have participated in literary discussion and rational, democratic debate, what have you learned about both either this or last week?

I have learned that democratic debates and literary discussions led to where we are today and didn’t start until 1750’s.  Rational debates gives an individual’s right for free speech and his/her own opinion.  As I understood women were not allowed to participate in most debates and no voting rights but changed afterward.

d. What action did the professors or another student take that you found most helpful or affirming?

e. What action did anyone take that you found most puzzling or confusing?  Why?  How did you overcome your confusion?

f.  What about the reading and discussion has surprised you?

I was surprised when I first read Madison’s Federalist #10 about “Factions” I didn’t know how I could interpret and grasp his points.  After reading it twice and read others blog post it helped.